
When You Arrive at Trinity on Sunday

We gather at our church building at the corner of E. Armour Blvd and Kenwood Ave. You can enter the sanctuary up the steps and through the big red doors on Armour, or come up the ramp on Kenwood.

Join us before service!

Young Adult Coffee at 9:15am

Join us for casual conversation and fellowship downstairs in the Young Adult Lounge at Trinity! We're a mix of gen Z and millennials who are looking for community. Click the button below to connect with the Young Adult Ministry at Trinity and hear from our Young Adult Director, Mary Allison.

Adult Sunday School at 9:15am

Join us for study and fellowship on the main floor of Trinity in the parlor, aka the living room! Adult Sunday School happens every Sunday from Labor Day to Memorial Day, and topics vary throughout the year. Click the button below to connect with Trinity's Sunday School Coordinator, Rev. Scott Grotewold.